Wholesale and Retail Sector Education and Training Authority (W&R SETA)

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Notice No. R. 901 of 2005

1. Preamble

2. Purpose

3. Name

4. Legal Status

5. Definitions

6. Scope of Operations of W&R SETA

7. Powers

8. Functions of the W&R Seta

9. Composition of the Board

10. Roles and Responsibilities of the Board

11. The Executive Committee

12. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

13. Committees

14. Finance Committee

15. Audit Committee

16. Chambers

17. Removal from the Board

18. Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and Board Members

19. Meetings

20. Delegation and Assignment of Functions

21. Dispute Resolution

22. Conduct of Board Members

23. Liability of Board Members

24. Finances of the W&R SETA

Statement of Endorsement by Constituencies

Annexure A

Annexure B

INSETA Organogram/Governance Structure