Use of Official Languages Act, 2012 (Act No. 12 of 2012)


Implementation of the Reviewed Language Policy for the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

10. Internal Written Communication

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10.1All official written intradepartmental and interdepartmental communication of the DFFE will be conducted in plain English as the language of record of the DFFE with a translation into one or more of the target official languages in the table in paragraph 7.1 and subject to paragraph 7.2, being made available, on request, within 15 days of the written request, taking reasonable measures to serve its clients in the language(s) of their choice in order to promote operational efficiency. All internal departmental documents that need to be archived will, for practical administrative reasons, be available in English as the language of record. Internal written communication includes annual reports, annual performance plans, strategic plans, booklets and brochures, posters and wall charts, appointment letters, standard operating procedures, and internal magazine articles.


10.2Conditions of service, strategic circulars, important human resource information, health and safety information, and other strategic documents of the DFFE will be made available in the official languages of the Republic, on request, subject to the table in paragraph 7.1 and subject to paragraph 7.2.