Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No. 97 of 1998)


Constitution of the Health and Welfare Sector Education and Training Authority (HWSETA)


Annexure C : Code of Conduct

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The members of the Authority, all members of any committee or structure of the Authority, and all staff—

(a)stand in a fiduciary relationship to the Authority;
(b)must perform their functions in good faith giving full effect to the obligations, and spirit of the Act and this Constitution;
(c)must avoid any material conflict between their own interests and those of the Authority, and in particular—
(i)must not derive any personal economic benefit to which they are not entitled because that benefit is obtained in conflict with the interests of the Authority; and
(ii)must notify the Authority, at the earliest opportunity practicable in the circumstances, of the nature and extent of any direct or indirect material interest which they may have in any dealings of the Authority;
(d)must protect and promote the reputation and goodwill of the Authority;
(e)must exercise their powers for the benefit and in the interests of the Authority;
(f)must not abuse the resources of the Authority; and
(g)must not disclose to any unauthorised person any privileged or confidential information of the Authority.