National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 (Act 67 of 2008)


Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework (OQSF) Policy

Chapter lll : Implementation Date and Transitional Arrangements

61 - 62. Minimum admission requirements for external integrated summative assessment

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61. The Foundational Learning Competence (FLC) part qualification replaces the compulsory Fundamental unit standards in Communication and Mathematical Literacy that were previously required by SAQA at NQF Levels 1-4. The achievement of FLC is compulsory for the award of occupational and part qualifications at NQF Levels 3-4. This means that learners must produce evidence of the achievement of FLC in order to qualify for the external integrated summative assessment for Occupational Certificates at NQF Levels 3 and 4.


62. All occupational and part qualifications specify the minimum admission requirements for entry into the external integrated summative assessment.