National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 (Act No. 67 of 2008)


Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework Policy

5. The Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework (OQSF)

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5.1 Occupational qualifications and part-qualifications are competency based. Such qualifications or part-qualifications enable learners to acquire the knowledge, skills and values required for a specific occupation, trade or profession.


5.2 The OQSF consists of registered qualifications and part qualifications which consist of two key components viz, knowledge/theory and application, where:


5.3 Application means the functional combination of the practical component and the workplace component through skills learning or simulated work experience learning.


5.4 For certain categories of occupational qualifications and part-qualifications as specified by industry, the key components may be specified as knowledge/theory, practical and work experience.


5.5 The OQSF provides for 9 (nine) occupational qualification types which are as per the Ministerial Determination of the Sub-frameworks that comprise the National Qualifications Framework, Government Notice 1391 published in Gazette No. 44031 of 24 December 2020.


5.6 The table below reflects the determined qualification types on the NQF as per the Ministerial Determination in Government Notice 1391 published in Gazette No. 44031 of 24 December 2020


NQF Sub-






NQF Sub-Framework and Qualification Type

NQF Sub-




Higher Education Qualifications Sub-

Framework (HEQSF) Council on Higher

Education (CHE)


Doctoral Degree

Doctoral Degree (Professional)


Master’s Degree

Master’s Degree (Professional)


Bachelor Honours Degree

Post Graduate Diploma

Bachelor’s Degree

Specialised Occupational Diploma

Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework

(OQSF) Quality Council for Trades and

Occupations (QCTO)


Bachelor’s Degree

Advanced Diploma

Advanced Occupational Diploma



Advanced Certificate

Occupational Diploma

Advanced Occupational Certificate


Higher Certificate

Higher Occupational Certificate

General and Further

Education and Training

Qualifications Sub-Framework

(GFETQSF) Umalusi


National Certificate

National Occupational Certificate


Intermediate Certificate

Intermediate Occupational Certificate


Elementary Certificate

Elementary Occupational Certificate


General Certificate

General Occupational Certificate


5.7Occupational Qualification


5.7.1The SDA defines an occupational qualification as a qualification associated with a trade, occupation or profession resulting from work-based learning and consisting of knowledge unit standards, practical unit standards and work experience unit standards


5.7.2An occupational qualification should have a minimum of 120 credits and meet requirements described in section 24 of this policy.


5.7.3An occupational qualification must contain between 5% and 10% of soft skills which may include inter alia personal development, self-learning, workplace preparation, personal finance management, basic entrepreneurship or emotional intelligence, etc. This is in line with the 10 competences of the level descriptors.


5.8 Part-Qualifications


5.8.1 An assessed unit of learning that meets requirements of a part qualification will be registered as part of a qualification.


5.8.2 Part-qualifications will be developed and published in accordance with the SAQA Policy and Criteria for the Registration of Qualifications and Part-qualifications of the NQF;


5.8.3 The design of a part-qualification:
(a)Part-qualifications must have knowledge/theory and application learning components;
(b)Part-qualifications as specified by industry, the key components may be specified as knowledge/theory, practicals and work experience.,
(c) Part-qualifications could be part of more than one occupational qualification;
(d) Part-qualifications should indicate the name of the registered or to be registered qualification(s) of which it forms part;
(e) Part-qualifications should have no more than 120 credits;


5.9Skills Programmes


5.9.1A skills programme is a QCTO-accredited learning programme that is occupationally based and which, when completed, will constitute credits towards a qualification or part qualification registered on the NQF.


5.9.2Minimum requirements for admission to a skills programme are specified in the skills programme document.


5.9.3The minimum duration of a skills programme is two weeks (with a minimum of 8 credits).


5.9.4Skills programmes must have a link of a minimum of two qualifications/part qualifications for which CAT may apply.


5.9.5A record consisting of Skills Programmes and learners who achieved against programmes will be maintained by the QCTO.


5.9.6Successful completion of a Skills Programme would require that a learner should have completed a final supervised assessment.


5.9.7Skills Development Providers must submit to the QCTO such Skills Programmes that they seek to offer. The QCTO will accredit the Skills Development Provider to offer the Skills Programmes if the required criteria have been met.


5.9.8A Skills Programme can be developed from a number of qualifications and or part-qualifications.


5.9.9Learners completing a Skills Programme will be issued with a certificate.


5.10 Exceptions will be dealt as provided for in Section 22 of the Ministerial Determination in Government Notice 1391 published in Gazette No. 44031 of 24 December 2020.


5.11 The OQSF recognises multiple routes (including but not limited to, apprenticeship, learnership, internship, candidacy (as stated in Workplace Regulations), e-learning, CAT and RPL) towards the attainment of an occupational qualification or part-qualification.


5.12 Competency is demonstrated through the successful completion of a final supervised assessment. Access to the EISA process can be obtained via the relevant qualifications as well as through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).


5.13The OQSF provides for:


5.13.1Flexibility and options with respect to trade, occupational and professional related qualifications. Also, flexibility by creating learning pathways from part-qualifications to qualifications over time or from one learning programme to another as learners pursue their careers.


5.13.2Post-school opportunities comparable to those in the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework. OQSF qualification offerings differ in nature from, but are cognitively comparable to HEQSF qualifications - which creates the potential for parity of esteem between qualifications across the Sub-Frameworks of the NQF.


5.13.3Part-qualifications that represent sets of employable skills as well as a mechanism for the recognition and credentialing of skills within the informal economy.


5.13.4Integration of occupational qualifications and part-qualifications into the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and a basis for development of standards and quality assurance as well as a mechanism for improving the coherence in the skills development system.


5.13.5The development and implementation of Occupational standards for industry and the labour market through defining the learning outcomes and learning associated with occupational qualifications and part-qualifications.


5.13.6Consistent use of qualification titles and their designators and qualifiers.


5.13.7Standards determined by industry or a profession, based on standards recognised by industry or the profession.


5.13.8The development and implementation of differentiated OQSF qualifications.