National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 (Act No. 67 of 2008)


Policy for the Certification of Candidate Records on the General and further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-Framework

Chapter 2 : Legislative Context

6. Mandate and responsibilities of Umalusi regarding certification

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(1) Section 24 of the NQF Act (2008) provides for the establishment of Umalusi as a quality council that is responsible for the development and management of a sub-framework of qualifications at levels 1 to 4 of the NQF and the related quality assurance processes.


(2)In accordance with section 17A(6) of the GENFETQA Act (2001), Umalusi is responsible for the issuing of certificates to learners who have achieved qualifications or part-qualifications registered on the GFETQSF, as contemplated in paragraph 3(1) above.


(3) In its role as a quality council, Umalusi is committed to issuing candidates with valid and credible certificates that are both nationally and internationally comparable.