National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act No. 59 of 2008)


National Norms and Standards for the Treatment of Organic Waste

7. Minimum requirements for Records and Access Control

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7.1Any organic waste treatment facility must keep records of the following:


7.1.1Contact details of waste generators from whom organic waste originate;
7.1.2Contact details of transport operators delivering organic waste;
7.1.3Contact details of recipients of the treated organic material;
7.1.4Category, tonnages and source of all organic waste accepted onto the organic waste treatment facility;
7.1.5Tonnages of treated organic material exiting the organic waste treatment facility; and
7.1.6Tonnages of non-organic waste,removed from organic waste, that exit the organic waste treatment facility.


7.2Records contemplated in 7.1.1 - 7.1.6 must be kept at the organic waste treatment facility for a minimum of five (05) years.


7.3The facility owner must put into place provisions ensuring strict access control to the organic waste treatment facility, including the following areas:
7.3.1Areas used for receiving, storing and processing of organics, process residuals and contaminated materials; and
7.3.2All areas used to store flammable materials or chemicals.


7.4The facility owner / management must put in measures to control:
7.4.1Scavenging animals, birds, flies and/or vermin that may be attracted to the feedstock storage areas;
7.4.2Wind-blown litter;
7.4.3Fire management;
7.4.4Storm water management, and
7.4.5Odour management.


7.5A notice board must be placed at all entrances to the organic waste treatment facility detailing the name of the organic waste treatment facility, accepted waste type(s),operating hours, contact details, including contact details in emergency situations. All notice boards must be written in at least two languages, one of which should be the predominant local language of the area.


7.6Safe disposal certificates, including waste manifests, must be kept on site at all times and retained for a minimum of five (5) years.


7.7If a weighbridge is installed for measuring quantity, it must be correctly installed, calibrated, certified and must, where practicable, be operational at all times.