National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act No. 59 of 2008)

Chapter 4 : Waste Management Measures

Part 7A : Waste Management Bureau

34F. Funding of Bureau

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(1)The funds of the Bureau consist of—
(a)money derived and allocated from charges referred to in section 13B;
(b)income derived by it for services rendered;
(c)money appropriated by Parliament;
(d)voluntary contributions, donations and bequests received consistent with the provisions of the regulations made in terms of section 76(1)(k) or (l) of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999; and
(e)income derived from investments referred to in section 34E(2)(b).


(2)The Bureau must utilise its funds to defray expenses incurred in the performance of its functions.


(3)The Bureau must utilise the donations and contributions referred to in subsection (1)(d) in accordance with the conditions, if any, imposed by the donor or contributor concerned, but those conditions must be approved by the Minister, in concurrence with the Minister of Finance, and must not be inconsistent with the objects of the Bureau, provisions of this Act, regulations made in terms of section 76(1)(k) or (l) of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999, or any other law.


(4)The Chief Executive Officer must, with the concurrence of the Minister and the Minister of Finance—
(a)open an account in the name of the Bureau with an institution registered as a bank in terms of the Banks Act, 1990 (Act No. 94 of 1990); and
(b)deposit therein all money received in terms of subsection (1).


(5)The Chief Executive Officer is responsible and accountable to the Director-General of the Department as the accounting authority for all money received by the Bureau and the utilisation of that money.


[Section 34F inserted by section 13 of Act No. 26 of 2014]