Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000)


Local Government: Regulations on Appointment and Conditions of Employment of Senior Managers

Chapter 3 : Recruitment, Selection and Appointment

11. Application of vacant posts

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(1) An application for the vacant post of a senior manager must be submitted on an official application form, attached as Annexure C, accompanied by a detailed curriculum vitae.


(2)Notwithstanding subregulation (1), a municipality that has on-line application procedures in place may use an on-line application form: Provided that the on-line application form substantially corresponds to the application form in Annexure C, and complies with these regulations.


(3)An application not made on the official form, as contemplated in subregulations (1) or (2) must not be considered.


(4)An applicant for a senior manager post must disclose—
(a)his or her academic qualifications, proven experience and competencies;
(b)his or her contactable references;
(c)registration with a relevant professional body;
(d)full details of any dismissal for misconduct; and
(e)any disciplinary actions, whether pending or finalised, instituted against such applicant in his or her current or previous employment.


(5)Any misrepresentation or failure to disclose information contemplated in subregulation (3) and (4) is a breach of the Code of Conduct for Municipal Staff as provided for in Schedule 2 to the Act and shall be dealt with in terms of the Disciplinary Regulations.


(6)The municipality must compile and maintain a record of all applications received, which must contain—
(a)the applicants' biographical details and contact information;
(b)the details of the post for which the applicants were applying;
(c)the applicants' qualifications; and
(d)any other requirements outlined in the application form.