To locate information about this keyword, please select one of the subentries in the list.
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abolition of
accrual claim
Accrual of estate
accrual sharing
Accrual system
Act 15 of 1953
Act 25 of 1961
Act 27 of 1982
Act 3 of 1972
Act 32 of 1944
Act 34 of 1956
Act 43 of 1957
Act 43 of 1962
Act 44 of 1980
Act 47 of 1937
Act 56 of 1984
Act 58 of 1971
Act 70 of 1979
Act 92 of 1978
Act 94 of 1974
Act No. 88 of 1984
amended by
Amendment of
Application of
as amended by
as substituted by
between spouses
by spouses
Certain damages
Change of
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapters II and III
commencement value
Community of Property
consent of
court to
court to order
Deferment of
delicts committed
Distribution of
division of
division of accrual
Effect of
Equal powers of
excluded from
excluded from accrual
for want of
Forfeiture of
furnish particulars of
General Provisions
household necessaries
Insertion of
joint estate
legacies and donations
Liability for
Liability of
Litigation by
marital power
Marriages in
married in community
matrimonial property
Matrimonial Property Act, 1984
matrimonial property system
Obligation to
of estate
or against spouses
other spouse
parents or guardian
Power of
powers of spouse
Powers of spouses
Proclamation R.158 of 1984
Proof of
recoverable from
Repeal of laws
right to
satisfaction of
section 1 of
section 1 of Act 41 of 1977
section 10 of
section 17 of
section 19 of
section 2 of
section 2 of Act 87 of 1965
section 20 of
section 24A in
section 25 of
section 27 of
section 29 of
section 3 of
section 3 of Act 47 of 1937
section 45 of
section 5 of
section 7 of
section 8 of
section 89 in
Short title
spouses for
subject to
substituted by
Substitution of
suspension of
upon dissolution of
value of estate
Want of consent